
When the Hole Keeps Growing
Like many others during Corona, I had a substantial drop in salary when my hours were reduced.
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When the Hole Keeps Growing

Like many others during Corona, I had a substantial drop in salary when my hours were reduced. Because our expenses didn’t adjust themselves, we were left with a growing hole in the family budget.
We receive your magazines regularly and we enjoy reading and getting chizuk. After reading all the Yeshuos stories ther,e I made the decision to take it upon myself to listen to the Shalom Link telephone shiur every day and to spread the word once I see a Yeshuah. I received two job offers in less than a week (!). They were simple to include into my daily schedule and brought in more money than ever before.
With the tremendous zechus of shemiras halashom, we were zoche to see yeshuas Hashem k’heref ayin!
Thank you for the great chizuk you give us.
A Long Way to an Appointment
I came to my family doctor because of a certain medical problem and he referred me to a specialist on our Kupat Cholim.
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S.M., Bnei Brak

A Long Way to an Appointment

I came to my family doctor because of a certain medical problem and he referred me to a specialist on our Kupat Cholim. I called to make an appointment and was disappointed to hear that the closest available date was in another two months. The best the secretary was able to suggest was for me to call from time to time in case of cancellations. But I had another idea, at least as effective: I decided to connect to “Shalom Link” and start learning the daily halachos. The brief and clear shiur would give me the zechuyos to help me push up the appointment, or so I hoped. A week passed, and then another. The Kupat Cholim didn’t have any news for me, but, in Shamayim, an entirely different route of yeshuah had already opened. Believe it or not — the problem I’d been having started getting better spontaneously. By the time my appointment with the specialist arrived, it was extraneous, and I was able to happily cancel it.
Operation Unnecessary
I was scheduled for a complex operation and I was very worried. Beyond the medical issue, I was stressed
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B. Levine

Operation Unnecessary

I was scheduled for a complex operation and I was very worried. Beyond the medical issue, I was stressed by everything surrounding the operation: The days of hospitalization; my home and family would having to function without me; the long recovery period; the risks of a long hospital stay in the Age of Corona; my ability to resume my job afterwards…
As date of the surgery was approaching, I received a call from the Mishmeres Hashalom’s fundraising office. It was perfect timing — just what I needed. I immediately gave a donation and asked to pass on my name for a refuah sheleimah.
The weeks passed. Three days before the scheduled operation, I came to the hospital for a final examination. I was delighted to hear that there had been substantial improvement in the situation and it was better to wait and not operate yet.
Baruch Hashem, I feel fine, the situation keeps improving, and the operation has been canceled!
A Story-Book Yeshuah
It all started with Mishmeres Hashalom’s Yeshuah hotline. For years now, I’ve been getting reminder beeps from “Shalom Link”
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Estie S.

A Story-Book Yeshuah

It all started with Mishmeres Hashalom’s Yeshuah hotline. For years now, I’ve been getting reminder beeps from “Shalom Link”, but I don’t always have time to call back and hear the shiur. One Erev Shabbos, I sat down to rest after working in the kitchen for a few hours straight. I called the number and decided to enter the yeshuah story extension. Yes, A good story was what I needed at that moment…
The stories I heard moved my heart. We were going through a tough time. For quite a while, I had been unemployed and all of my efforts to find a job had not borne fruit. I decided on the spot to accept upon myself to call the number every day and learn the halachos.
Four days later, the long-awaited phone call arrived! I was called in for an interview for a job that suited me perfectly and that had potential for professional advancement. Within a week, I’d gotten a positive answer.
I have no doubt that it was the merit of shemiras halashon that had come to my aid.
Dark in the Kitchen, Light in the Heart
Our son had been experiencing some unusual symptoms including fever kept coming and going.
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The R. Family

Dark in the Kitchen, Light in the Heart

Our son had been experiencing some unusual symptoms including fever kept coming and going. The pediatrician decided to send him for comprehensive testing. The very next day, he summoned us into his office and told us that the results indicated a tumor.
We went through a very difficult time. I will never forget the day he had to fast for an important CT scan and in the end, the machine was down and we had reschedule. The doctors had already begun speaking with us about the treatment plan: a series of chemotherapy treatments. We looked to Shamayim and asked Hashem to enlighten us as to what we can work on to merit a yeshuah.
On one of those insane days, we returned home after a round of grueling testing and were surprised to find that scaffolding had started outside our kitchen window. Apparently someone was planning to build out in a way that would invade our privacy and darken the kitchen. I’m sure that in ordinary times, I would have fumed and organized the neighbors to take action and do everything within my power to stop the construction. But seeing my son's suffering his uncertain future lurking in my mind made me feel like this wasn't the right time for such conduct. “Perhaps this nisayon was sent to us from Shamayim,” I told my husband, while working hard to feel that I was genuinely not angry at these neighbors. “I want to be mevater. I don’t want to make a machlokes. We need zechuyos!” He agreed with me.
The days sped along. The doctors had spoken of six months of treatment. But then there was a slight improvement in the test results and they decided to wait a little longer. They sent us home and set an appointment for a new evaluation. Arriving home with our little boy, we were confronted with the sight of the neighbors’ scaffolds and the noise from the construction, all the while dealing with the medical worries that didn’t let up. But we didn’t let anger creep in. We tried to strengthen ourselves and intensify our davening.
The surprise that awaited us with the new evaluation was beyond our dreams. The doctors were flabbergasted. They claimed we brought them another child and they wanted to know — what had we done?!
What had we done? We had remained quiet. Didn’t say a word. And Hakadosh Baruch Hu sent us the cure.
Three Merits, Two Yeshuos
We had two wonderful daughters and were thrilled with the zechus to raise them. But we hoped and prayed to have another child…
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Rep from the Center

Three Merits, Two Yeshuos

We had two wonderful daughters and were thrilled with the zechus to raise them. But we hoped and prayed to have another child… After six and a half years had elapsed, we decided to take on three efforts in shemiras halashon: My husband and I started learning the daily halachos together; I called Mishmeres Hashalom and became a building rep, to be mezakeh harabim; and we also set up a standing order for a monthly donation towards Mishmeres Hashalom’s work. Baruch Hashem, we were blessed with a baby boy! We named him Yehuda Zev, for Rav Segal, the Manchester Rosh Yeshiva, who’d set up the daily calendar. At the same time, we also donated for the zechus of a 31-year-old relative who was awaiting her zivug. They davened for her in Radin this year on the Chofetz Chaim’s yahrtzeit and, baruch Hashem, she, too, had a yeshuah soon afterwards!
An Auto-matic Improvement
My brother manages a company that deals with auto sales and, during the Corona period, he had a real financial crisis. People simply weren’t buying.
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Miriam, from Ashdod

An Auto-matic Improvement

My brother manages a company that deals with auto sales and had a real financial crisis during the Corona period. People simply weren’t buying. The business was almost at a standstill.
I have been connected to shemiras halashon for years. I learn the halachos regularly and eagerly read Mishmeres Hashalom’s marvelous magazines. I’ve donated to the organization several times and seen many yeshuos! I didn't hesitate this time either. I picked up the phone and made a substantial donation for a zechus of my dear brother, the father of a growing family, that he should have abundant parnassah. Then I called him and informed him, adding my good wishes that the zechus of shemiras halashon should help him have a yeshuah.
Not long after, I received a phone call from my brother. He told me that he had just transferred a thousand shekels to my account… “What happened???” I asked. He simply replied, "That’s the maaser from my recent sales. Baruch Hashem, things started moving here. The business has come back to life!"
Legal Entanglement
My son, father of several children, got into legal trouble over a story he wasn't really guilty of. The lawyer was pessimistic
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E. R. from the South

Legal Entanglement

My son, father of several children, got into legal trouble over a story he wasn't really guilty of. The lawyer was pessimistic and claimed there was little chance they would be able to prove their innocence. As a loving mother, all I could do was daven tearfully and try to reassure my daughter-in-law that everything would be fine; Hashem would help us. On a particularly stressful day, it occurred to me to call Mishmeres Hashalom and donate for his merit. I felt that in our complex situation, only spiritual effort could help… I told my daughter-in-law and together, we hoped for a yeshuah from Shamayim.
Believe it or not, the next day the case took a dramatic turn. The lawyer managed to bring testimony that had not been thought of before and against all odds my son was cleared of all charges!
Payment in Cash
My story is very personal and I want to share with everyone the yeshuah I saw, thanks to the chizuk from your beautiful monthly magazines and special campaigns…
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Rina M.

Payment in Cash

My story is very personal and I want to share with everyone the yeshuah I saw, thanks to the chizuk from your beautiful monthly magazines and special campaigns…
It was at the beginning of last winter. I was the mother of a few children baruch Hashem, but my youngest was already a lively cheder boy and I yearned for another child. I was talking to a good friend of mine and in the middle of the conversation she said something that really hurt and offended me! I knew that she hadn’t intended to cause me pain, but I was still deeply insulted. Ordinarily, I would have simply broken off ties with her and ended our lovely friendship, but thanks to the tools I got from Mishmeres Hashalom, I managed to overcome my anger, judge her favorably, and move on… Ten months later, I got my divine reward in “cash”… I had a healthy baby!
Even Before the Fortieth Day
Recently we needed two Yeshuos: I had a medical problem that was bothering me a lot and we were urgently looking for a buyer for our apartment
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Mira, who really enjoys the magazines.

Even Before the Fortieth Day

Recently we needed two Yeshuos: I had a medical problem that was bothering me a lot and we were urgently looking for a buyer for our apartment as we had already bought a new apartment and were commited to a payment schedule. As a segulah for a yeshuah, I decided to call the Mishmeres Hashalom's hotline for forty days and listen to the daily halachos. In order to lend seriousness to the learning, I took upon myself bli neder to listen with full attention, setting aside any distractions, so as to really connect to the words. I also decided that if we saw a yeshuah in either area, I’d publicize it in your magazine.
Believe it or not, within two weeks the health problem was completely resolved, without medical intervention — a real miracle! And before the forty days were up, we signed a deal with wonderful buyers who met all of our requirements!
I feel that my merits are yours…
When the Pains Disappear
My son had severe stomachaches for a long time. The pediatrician could not find a clear cause.
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Mother of Nati

When the Pains Disappear

My son had severe stomachaches for a long time. The pediatrician could not find a clear cause. He considered sending us on a long series of tests. It was at the end of last year, just before the Chofetz Chaim’s yahrtzeit, when I decided to donate for his zechus to Mishmeres Hashalom’s big tefillah event.
Three months later, the receptionist at Mishmeres Hashalom called to ask how our son was doing. “Ah, I almost forgot all about those stomachaches,” I responded, and I asked her to put us down for another donation.
May we all merit seeing an abundance of berachos and yeshuos!
Back on Track
We have been participating in Mishmeres Hashalom programs for years. When we needed a yeshuah, we knew that this was the address.
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Parents of B., Yerushalyim

Back on Track

We have been participating in Mishmeres Hashalom programs for years. When we needed a yeshuah, we knew that this was the address. We called with the name of our daughter, who had unfortunately gone off the derech, and asked to daven that she should do teshuvah and also find a proper shidduch and build a true Jewish home. The yeshuos of shemiras halashon started streaming in! Within four months to see a real improvement in her spiritual situation and, Baruch Hashem, she continued to be mis’chazek. She recently got engaged to a wonderful young man who is even more mechazek than her! We saw tangibly how the zechus of shemiras halashon came to our aid.
Chain of Shidduchim
I’ve been married for eight years, baruch Hashem, and have a few sweet children, but I have a number of classmates who haven’t yet gotten married.
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Miri S.

Chain of Shidduchim

I've been married for eight years, Baruch Hashem, and I have a few sweet children, but I had several classmates who aren't married yet. One day I suggested to a friend that we do a whole class chain call and start learning hilchos shemiras halashon for the zechus of girls waiting for a yeshuah. My friend was excited about the idea. We started started spreading the message, setting a target date of Rosh Chodesh, a week away, to start the learning.
Within those few days before we even started learning, we heard that the first classmate had engaged!!! We continued studying with enthusiasm and within days another friend got engaged and a week later another!
If I had read such a story in the newspaper I would not have believed it, but this story happened to me and my friends.
The Zechus to Be a Rep
I have received Mishmeres Hashalom magazines through a colleague for a long time and enjoy them very much.
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M., from Haifa

The Zechus to Be a Rep

I have received Mishmeres Hashalom magazines through a colleague for a long time and enjoy them very much. I recently said to my husband, "What would you say if I became a representative? After all, we need zechusim…” Of course, my husband didn't mind. If I was ready to take responsibility, why not? And zechusim ... of course we need it. We have older unmarried children who needed shidduchim.
I called and took up my position as sales representative. Baruch Hashem, Mishmeres Hashalom's zechus worked! Two of my sons got engaged to the excellent shidduchim in a relatively short period of time!
In the Nick of Time
I recently started working on my shemiras halashon, thanks to the beautiful magazines at Mishmeres Hashalom.
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R.S. who really enjoys the magazines

In the Nick of Time

I recently started working on my shemiras halashon, thanks to the beautiful magazines at Mishmeres Hashalom. I really wanted to tell my co-worker a juicy story. I found it very difficult to hold back. However, I said to myself: "Stop! You can conquer this urge!"
The next day, I learned that the friend I wanted to tell the derogatory story to was the cousin of the subject of my story... It was simply a miracle that I’d managed to restrain myself.